Steward requests/Global permissions: Difference between revisions

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If I get GS, I can do all the needed things when doing my wiki creator work + do other general stuff on request. Please note that this is a general permissions request, and that I will use the rights for things outside my wiki creator or spam-deletion role but in the role as a Global Sysop (this can include blocks, RevDel and more - I want to make a notice of this so I didn't confuse you). I promise that I won't use the tools outside of situations where the tools are meant for, unless I got the permission of a local sysop to do so. I'm a proud member of Orain, and I really hope you trust me with these tools. If you have any questions, comments, other notes, you can leave them below. [[User:Southparkfan|Southparkfan]] ([[User talk:Southparkfan|talk]]) 19:46, 25 September 2014 (BST)
:#*You understand that Global Sysops are not considered local sysops, and that the global tools should only be used when absolutely necessary (spam attacks, no local sysops, etc.) correct? <font face="MV Boli">[[User:Dusti|'''<font color="#ff0000">D</font><font color="#ff6600">u</font><font color="#009900">s</font><font color="#0000ff">t</font><font color="#6600cc">i</font>''']][[User talk:Dusti|<sup>*Let's talk!*</sup>]]</font> 01:23, 26 September 2014 (BST)
#:*:From what I can see; that is all he is asking the permissions for. [[User:John|John]] ([[User talk:John|talk]]) 07:55, 26 September 2014 (BST)
:#*{{comment|Question}} - Could you elaborate a little bit more on why you need GS to assist in your wikicreator duties? As far as I know, and it may have changed since I've been inactive-ish, but Wikicreators aren't actually responsible for handling locking wikis or anything else besides the actual creation of a wiki. I'm not opposed to them helping out with this in the slightest, but I'm not sure what the GS bits will actually do for your true wikicreator role. I would also like to make sure, along the lines of Dusti's question, that you understand that GS permissions are only to be used in an emergency in which no local sysop is available to act? That does not include handling any routine local requests through the appropriate local venue, routine deletions or blocks, et cetera. -- <font color="blue"><b>[[User:Joe G|Joe&nbsp;G.]]</b></font> ([[User_talk:Joe G|Talk]]) 03:50, 26 September 2014 (BST)
#:*:Wikicreators have the ability to lock wikis and I encourage them to because I'm not doing it and no one else seems interested in actively doing it. The policy is when locking; create MediaWiki:Sitenotice, which SPF is the only wikicreator who is not able to as Revi is a GS. [[User:John|John]] ([[User talk:John|talk]]) 07:55, 26 September 2014 (BST)
== Removal of Access ==
