The below information contains the current financial data for Orain's account(s). This page should only be updated by the appropriate staff member in charge of Orain's finances. That current staff member is Dusti. This page was last updated: 2015-04-03

Comment This page contains information which is out of date.
Date (DD/MM/YY) Payee Payer Amount Paypal Amount Paypal Balance Note Donation Note
-- -- -- -- -- $157.93 Opening Balance
12/05/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $157.93 RamNode - Invoice #245048
17/05/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $148.63 Recurring Payment Sent (ID #83P23270GH739635G)
12/06/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $139.33 RamNode - Invoice #271733
17/06/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $130.03 RamNode - Invoice #256034
03/07/14 Orain Christian Sinclair N/A - $140.03 Unique Transaction ID # 8N1833537S2645144 Thanks for supporting wikis and making it easy to try to get one started.
08/07/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $130.73 RamNode - Invoice #298742
10/07/17 UnifiedRegistrar (NameCheap) Orain $5.00 - $125.73 Invoice ID: dustiZZZZ7bb9c73e32744665b7095283a00f081b
14/07/14 DreamHost Web Hosting Orain $8.06 - 117.67 Unique Transaction ID #5KU587974F534090S
15/07/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $19.30 - $98.37 RamNode - Invoice #313004
17/07/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $89.07 Recurring Payment Sent (ID #8DX73829B4774810S)
29/07/14 Orain Yuvaraj Pandian $25.00 (-$1.28) $112.79 Unique Transaction ID # 9T797041L4219863E :D Thanks for keeping Orain ad-free :)
31/07/14 Orain Joaquim Gil Hoernecke $100.00 - $212.79 Unique Transaction ID # 2MK33845K5971443W loves you
12/08/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $13.50 - $199.29 RamNode - Invoice #338294
12/08/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $64.20 - $135.09 Unique Transaction ID #1K660320395662223
12/08/14 Orain RamNode, LLC - $64.20 $199.29 RamNode - Invoice #338294
16/08/14 DigitalOcean Orain $25.00 - $174.29 Unique Transaction ID #1K660320395662223
17/08/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $9.30 - $164.99 Recurring Payment Sent (ID #1EB67310UM224510C)
24/08/14 Orain Damian Yerrick $100.00 - $264.99 Unique Transaction ID # 9HD225350U5717343 To help keep collaborative literary analysis free
24/08/14 Orain Brent Laabs $100.00 - $364.99 Unique Transaction ID # 8VY01654VV236841A
1/09/14 DigitalOcean Orain $14.63 $364.99 Invoice Number: 1846995 (debited from credit currently in D.O. account)
1/09/14 RamNode, LLC Orain $32.10 ($-9.21) $355.78 RamNode - Invoice #358724 (Includes a $14.21 credit and a $8.68 donation from Southparkfan)
2/09/14 Orain Anonymous $30.00 $385.78 Unique Transaction ID # 4GH95593V63674209