Forum:New server questions

Revision as of 15:30, 12 September 2013 by Timeshifter (talk | contribs) (more info and questions)

Out of curiosity what web hosting service is Orain using? Does it allow unlimited bandwidth?

What is the total number of gigabytes of storage that the web hosting service currently provides for Orain? I mean the total for all wikis combined. I have a wiki on another wiki farm with around half a gigabyte of low-res images that are integral to the many articles on the wiki.

I have been doing some reading, and found some interesting info. I found this article comparing Bluehost and 1and1. I have no idea if it is accurate or not.

1and1 is not clear at all about their bandwidth:


On the other hand Bluehost seems to be very clear:

Here are some user reviews:

I am a newb at all this, and since this is a general discussion forum, I would like to get feedback from the many experts that may drop in. --Timeshifter (talk) 15:30, 12 September 2013 (UTC)