Dormant wikis
A wiki is considered to be dormant if it has had no activity (edits or logged actions) within a 30-day period. Wikis will be notified after 15 days of inactivity in order to allow a wiki to kick start its activity.
After 30 days of inactivity, the wiki in question will be locked per inactivity and a notice should be placed in the site's notice informing the community of this, what can be done to get the wiki back and what will happen.
Once a wiki has been locked for inactivity, any user of the community may request they take over the wiki. Such requests can be made at the Stewards' noticeboard or to a steward through IRC. If a request is made through IRC, the steward who has actioned on the take over should formally inform other stewards of this before they new user is given rights.
After 6 months of inactivity, a wiki may be permanently deleted from the network unless a request is made for archival where the wiki will be kept on the network indefinitely or until such a request becomes outdated.
Once a dormant wiki is taken over, a steward will look at all users who are right holders (sysops and bureaucrat mainly). If a user was given rights per a local consensus, a steward can not remove those rights from that user, such a decision should be left up to the new owner. If a user was given rights directly from the existing owner, a steward should remove those user rights unless requested by the new owner not to.
Guidance for Stewards
- Verify that the user requesting the takeover is a user of that community or is an active participant in another Orain wiki including meta.
- The wiki should be unlocked.
- Assign yourself local bureaucrat so removal of sysops and addition of bureaucrat for the new owner are logged locally. Feel free to do a dummy log at meta.
- Remove all local users' rights if they were assign by the old owner with no local discussion.
- Post at Stewards' noticeboard about the take over.
- Assign the new owners' rights.
- Remove your local bureaucrat unless the owner explicitly states you can keep them. In such case, a note at the noticeboard should also be made.
Useful template
When closing a wiki please let the wiki know by using Template:Dormant wiki, so that people on the wiki know, and people that want to adopt it know