Proposals for new wikis/header/fr

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Revision as of 10:04, 7 March 2015 by (talk) (Created page with "* Proposer une nouvelle wikis. Si vous avez une idée pour un nouveau wiki, les soumettre ici.")
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Proposals for new wikis
Cette page accueille les propositions de nouveaux wikis Orain. Ici, vous pouvez:
  • Proposer une nouvelle wikis. Si vous avez une idée pour un nouveau wiki, les soumettre ici.
  • Get involved in the process. Help sites get off the ground by defining the types of articles that are wanted and by recruiting editors to help with its launch.
  • Before requesting a wiki, check out our current wikis to see if we already have one about your topic.
  • A wiki request may be rejected automatically if:
  • There is no description
  • It may cause legal issues
  • There is an existing wiki (with certain exceptions in rare cases)

Archives: 12

Create a wiki now! Click below to get started:
Make sure to be logged in before you request a wiki.