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Hello there!

I'm Nameless, a fairly average teenage student living in the United States. I enjoy a variety of things but half of them are Minecraft-related, so I'll answer some Minecraft-type quesitons here:

Favorite Mob: axolotl :)

Favorite Block Type: deepslate or mangrove

Favorite Vanilla Biome: lush cave, I like da plant

Favorite Mod: Create or Chipped, though BetterEnd is fucking lit

Favorite Data Pack: Terralith 100%

Favorite Texture Pack: probably Faithless

Favorite MCYT: Mr. Beardstone is an absolute GOAT

Favorite Modpack: Create Above and Beyond (attempting to make a wiki soon...? )

I like Nether shit, especially playing with the idea of Nether suvival. Sometime I'll probably start a survival world where I live in the Nether starting with a Shulker box or two of supplies, such as dirt, crops, saplings, ice, etc.