Cannot create account, great service!

Hi Kudu, I cannot create an account because there is a database error, something to do with your CentralAuth instance. That's a tricky bit, eh? Instead of using CentralAuth on MyWikis, I just shut down the database from editing and merged the users into one central database. I will be sure to join the IRC later, thanks! --JeffTalk 22:37, 16 July 2013 (UTC)

Recent global change

I support the checkuser log, FWIW. Dusti*Let's talk!* 21:24, 29 July 2013 (UTC)

Ditto. John (talk) 15:15, 30 July 2013 (UTC)

Quick question

Is there any way to remove system messages on a wiki? I want a custom interface, please. Emilyr25 (talk) 21:37, 13 August 2013 (UTC)

You are able to overwrite them in any way you want, which can allow you have a custom interface but all messages as a whole can not be 'removed' only overwritten. John (talk) 22:03, 13 August 2013 (UTC)

My thoughts on the extension and feature requisition process

I only know the basics of how to use Git and Github (basically, I know how to download from them and that's it, same as with Subversion). Unfortunately, my attempts to make a pull request for the extension I wanted added to my wiki was an utter failure, and half of the extensions I request I would not be able to pull request to the Orain repository in any case since some are either on Subversion or as code on pages.

In short, I don't believe the process for requesting features is all that efficient. Wikia tends be reluctant to add anything they don't extensively test, but if it's available, they will install it as soon as possible. ShoutWiki will install whatever is possible to install, though they tend to be reluctant to install new or unstable extensions. In both cases, whenever they couldn't install certain features, they usually gave good reason for doing so. Also, neither service asked regular users to do pull requests to their repositories, preferring instead to simply have the users submit the names and URLs of the extensions, skins, and so on they wanted to install, then they would get back to said user within a few days at most and inform them whether or not it would be feasible, and if so, the feature would be implemented according to the user's preferences if applicable.

While I'm otherwise pleased with Orain, I consider its feature requisition process discouraging and unfriendly to prospective wiki administrators and believe it should be as user friendly, if not more, than similar service offered by the others I have mentioned. Arcane (talk) 00:13, 14 August 2013 (UTC)Arcane

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