Orain Meta:Requests for permissions/Bot

From Orain Meta
Revision as of 16:22, 13 June 2014 by Revi (talk | contribs) (BAG is not yet created.)
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This section is for requesting:

  1. Approval for individual bot tasks to be run on Meta
  2. Approval for individual bot tasks to be run globally
  3. The bot flag

Note: Below is a draft yet.

Every new task being introduced to run on Meta and globally must be approved through a request. Unapproved bots, or approved bots running unapproved tasks, will be blocked. Bots are approved by a specific group of users of the community known as the Bot Approvals Group.

When filing a request, please include the following information:

  1. Programming language
  2. Whether or not it's global
  3. If the bot has the bot flag
  4. Edit rate
  5. A link to the source code
  6. A link to discussion regarding the bot task, if applicable

Current Members of BAG

  1. Cyberpower678
  2. John
  • Create a subpage in the /Bot page, appending the request number if it isn't the first request. Example: {{Meta:Requests for permissions/Bot/Example 2}}